Thursday 31 January 2013

                                             photo by Sarrah M.

What do Abraar School Students Do During Indoor Recesses??

Written by Ayesha S. 

Students play board games that are so much fun while others are a bit more actve and play tag!

photo by Fatima (Gr. 5)

They keep themselves busy during the receses and passed the time quickly! They gather with there friends and talk 'till it's time to leave! When the grade 1-4 students play the older grades eat so it is divided equally for the time they play. Some students read will other students run around. 

There are also clubs, including Math Club, Media club (of course!) and sign language club and much more!!

Film Review
by Doha H.
"Red Dawn"

This movie is the best movie I have ever seen in my whole entire life! 

It's basically about a state of America getting overpowered by people from a different country. 

This movie is also about standing up for what is rightfully yours. Its about emotion.

I almost felt like I was living in the state that they where in. There was this really sad scene where one of the characters says: “To them, this might be just some place, but to us, this is our home! It is different when your fighting in your own backyard, but its like your fighting for your family.” 

The characters were just PERFECT for this movie! The characters are Chris Hemsworth, Josh Peck, Josh Hutcherson, Adrianne Palicki, Isabel Lucas, Connor Cruise, and Jeffery Dean Morgan. 

I hope you guys enjoyed my review of the movie red dawn!   

International Day coming to Abraar School

International day will be showcased on March 8 th 2013 inshAllah.
by Aminah A.

International day was created by our beloved PST (Parent Support Team). This a good opportunity for
the entire school to show their creative side. Each student can either choose their own country our
represent a different country. Every student should of got a form so please fill out the form and send it
in by Friday Feb, 8th, 2013 in order to participate.

Jokes Time!

What is a 10 letter word that starts with GAS?


by Maryam H.

The NHL Comes Back
written by Zackarya H.

After that long period of not playing because of the lockout, the NHL finally comes back! Some people say that they felt enraged about the players because the players wanted more money from their coaches. 

The NHL players wanted $60 million dollars but the coaches refused. Do the players only want money? Don’t they want to have a little fun in their games? Do they even care about their fans after all they have done to them? Those are questions that everyone is asking around the globe.


Media Club underway!

Welcome to Abraar's Media Club!

             Welcome to Abraar schools newest website!

Above is a picture by one of our photographers! We are really excited to start this club which will have news, radio, and photography and  much more!

Stay tuned!